Although the NKF and LAKPA, as an associated charity, are unique in that they are run by patients for patients, there are a number of other renal charities who provide valuable support in their specific area.

Kidney Care Uk – Provides practical, emotional and financial support to kidney patients and their families, campaigns to improve kidney health and care services and funds projects throughout the UK.

Kidney Care UK

PKD Charity – Polycystic kidney disease or PKD is a life-threatening inherited conditions that can cause renal (kidney) failure and affect other organs in the body. The PKD charity supports those affected, their families and carers.

PKD Charity

The Renal Association is the leading professional body for the UK renal community, dedicated to improving lives by supporting professionals in the delivery of kidney care and research.

The Renal Association

Jain and Hindu Organ Donation Alliance – Promotes donation and awareness of organ, blood and stem cell work in the Jain and Hindu communities of the UK.

Jain and Hindu Organ Donation Alliance

NBTA (National BAME Transplant Alliance) – The National Black, Asian, Mixed Race, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Transplant Alliance (NBTA) is a coalition of organisations which seeks to promote awareness of organ, blood and stem cell donation amongst BAME people and to increase the number of donors from these communities.


Kidney Research UK is the largest charity in the UK that funds research that focuses on the prevention, treatment and management of kidney disease with the aim to free lives from kidney disease. The vision of the charity is to free lives from the restrictions, fear, anxiety and life limiting nature of kidney disease.

Kidney Research UK