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LAKPA supports those affected by kidney disease in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and West Essex. Here you will find details on what we do and the support that we offer to all affected with kidney disease, whether they are patients, carers, families and renal staff, or just have an interest in supporting kidney patients.
The Lister Renal Service is part of the East and North Herts NHS Trust based at Lister Hospital in Stevenage, but it covers North and East Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and West Essex and includes dialysis units at Bedford, Dunstable, Harlow, Stevenage and St Albans.
Please contact us at if you have questions that are not covered by the pages on this site. Alternatively, the website of our umbrella organisation, the National Kidney Federation contains a wealth of information on kidney related issues. You will find the latest news by following the links shown below.

LAKPA is run entirely by volunteers, all of whom have been impacted by kidney disease, so they bring to it a real understanding of the challenges that kidney patients face.
We can do this through the strong working relationships that we have forged with the Renal Clinical Director and his staff.
The renal team greatly value the role LAKPA plays in ensuring the patient voice is at the heart of what we do. They represent the patients and families that live with kidney related matters and LAKPA’s contributions directly improve their lives.
Dr Andy Findlay - Renal Medical Director, East & North Herts NHS Trust.
Latest News
Congratulations Harlow Renal UnitCongratulations to Harlow Renal Unit on being recognised for their care for renal patients. Saro Sajeev, the nurse manager there, has received a Daisy award as has Jackie Carter. Daisy awards is an international programme that honours and... |
How You Can Help
It’s free to join our Association and as a member you will be helping a local charity and strengthening the voice of kidney patients, their families, carers and the renal staff that support them.
Can you help LAKPA support kidney patients across our area? We cannot do this without your help and will be very grateful for any donation you are able to make.
All money raised goes directly to help kidney patients.