LAKPA Priorities 2024
At its AGM in March every year LAKPA sets out the priorities for its work over the coming 12 months, based on the issues where our work will bring the most benefit to our kidney patients and their families – those for 2024 are set out below.
a) Continue to raise the importance of increasing and improving in-centre dialysis provision in view of the lack of capacity driven by the growing number of patients requiring dialysis. Maintain our lobbying to improve the equipment, facilities and the environment for patients. Learn from the arrangements at other units, e.g. Northampton. It will be important to include the LAKPA liaison person in any plans for increasing capacity at the satellite dialysis units.
b) Financial support for patients – In light of the cost-of-living crisis we know the need is out there so LAKPA will be more proactive in working with the renal social work team in identifying cases of need.
c) Tom’s bequest – Seek out further opportunities to identify suitable projects for use of these funds to the benefit of kidney patients.
d) Home Therapies – bring pressure to bear on the Trust and ICBs to take forward the home dialysis project and release the funds to enable this to happen.
e) Transport – supporting Sandra Cruickshank in her work in managing the transport contract and issues arising from the existing provision.
f) Patients Know Best – we will continue to monitor and support the integration of this important IT system.

These priorities were developed in recognition of the issues coming out of the growing population of those with chronic kidney disease with the challenge of supporting this growing population, and particularly to recognise that some are in real financial hardship brought on by the implications of managing their condition.
We are continuing with our campaign for the home dialysis project, including lobbying all the MPs’ across the region and have great hopes that the project will soon be started.
In 2021 LAKPA was fortunate to be left a substantial legacy in the will of the late Tom Costello who had been a dedicated supporter of LAKPA and a member of the LAKPA committee. This has meant that we have been able to fund a number of projects and improvements across the service and are continuing to seek out other opportunities.
We have just financed 4 needling scanners at a cost of £19k which this legacy has made possible.
The patient transport service for patients attending dialysis at one of the units continues to need improvement and, despite some progress, there is much work to be done. We do recognise the extra burden that this can put onto patients and we will support the drive for improvements where we can.